Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!, etc....
I can't believe that it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted. Lots has been going on. We've continued working in the room and it is progressing. The office has officially been moved and can now be found in the depths of the cold basement. There is a small heater down there and it will keep the area about 60-65 degrees F. If I need to spend a lot of time there, I will take a small heater from one of the bathrooms so I can have warm air blowing on me. DH has gotten a skim coat on one of the walls along with removing the baseboard and the tack strip. How's that for progress? When I return, I will take a pictures of the section of room that hasn't been shown yet. This will include the wonderful closet that is in this room. We are planning on putting a closet organizer in here. The size of the closet is approximately 8 to 9 feet x 5 feet.
I've sewn up several yards of fabric since I last posted. I think the total is something like 14 yards. I think 10 of it was new this month. It was purchased specifically for gifts which all were made. My temporary sewing space is rather small but it is certainly usable. I sewed several days in the midst of the mess in that room and it didn't hurt much. I still have not located all the missing items but I do know that they are somewhere in the room. The only item that will not be very useable in the new set-up is my cutting table. It is currently folded up and being pushed back and forth depending on which side of it I need to be on. I guess if I really need to use it that I can push it into my son's room to set-up it. I have been using all of the great storage inside the cutting table and I can get to most of it very easily. I have found many great items that I have forgotten about.
Well, this is it for this year. See you next year.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A pleasant day to sew!
Back to sewing, I made the pillowcase using the sewing machine and the serger. I used the Lisa today since she has been neglected since the Designer joined the team. Wow! It doesn't take long to get spoiled with the fancy machines. After finishing the pillowcase, I cut out a couple of shopping bags and had them finished by 5:30. I'm going to make 4 more shopping bags as part of my "green" Christmas. Then it will be on to finishing the stuffed kitties and some kitty toys. Hopefully, they will get finished before we leave for AR.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Finally! I'm ready to sew again.
Today, my DH figured out a way to get the office moved and it still be functioning. My goal is to have everything ready by the 19th to move the office to the basement. I guess that will be my office home for a few months while room is being worked on. March is the goal. I hope we make it. Speaking of the room, DH was able to get another 4/5 feet of the border removed today. The steamer is working well on it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The week has flown by!
Above is a the message from the previous owners. I'm guessing it means that the room was redone in March 1992. I was only off by ten years on my estimate of when the room had been done. I love finding stuff like this. We have left stuff behind the cabinets in the kitchen for future owners when they are wondering "What were they thinking?". LOL
The pink wall was in really good shape. Hardly any work will need to be done to this wall outside of a little mudding where the nail holes and sanding where the numbers are at. Also, this wall is a different color of pink than the remaining room.

The white wall is a different story. It is not in very good condition. It will take a little more work. Unfortunately, the rest of the walls in the room are going to need a more work. I don't know how long this is going to take but maybe everything will be finished by March. Yes, I giving myself a lot of time because the closet will need to be redone along with the floors. I also will have a phone line installed for the fax machine. Lots of work.
I will be sewing this weekend. I purchased 10 yards of fabric from eQuilter to make some items for Christmas. Yes, I know it is getting close but the items are quick and easy. I was beginning the think they wouldn't arrive before Christmas. It took almost 2 weeks to show up. I love the website but don't think you're going to get your order quickly. This is a normal delivery time for them.
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hardwood floors? YES!
Today, I've started working on the wall paper. I've sprayed it with a mixture of Downy and water. This is something new that one of the neighbors told me about. So, I'm giving it a try. I will let you know how well it works.
Happy Stitching! (I wish I was but fabric is coming!)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Room Reorg
Above is a view as you would see it from the doorway. You can see that I couldn't help but pull some of the loss wallpaper. I stop myself because I wanted to document the change of this room. I'm sure this wallpaper was lovely when this room was redone in the 80's. I guess that is when the two bedrooms were turned into one.
The opposite corner still has a piece of furniture in it. It will eventually be moved. I just haven't decided where. The basement is the obvious spot but the end of the driveway may be where it ends up. The navy carpeting is going to be used as the drop cloth for this room.
Well, this is where I'm starting with this room. The wallpaper appears to be loose but when I pulled the backing was left so this is going to be a lot of icky work. Hopefully, it won't take more than a week to get the wallpaper off those two walls and I will be able to move on to the border on the remaining three walls. I'm hoping the wallpaper isn't hiding too many surprises.
Tonight, we will be cutting the carpeting and pulling back some of the padding in the area where we think the original closets were to assess the damage to the hardwood floors. If we are lucky, then the floors are in good shape. I'm hoping to call a contractor for estimates on any repairs and refinishing.
No sewing for me today. Hope everyone else was luckier.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's December already?
My "old" dedicated sewing room is packed from wall-to-wall in both directions. There is just enough room left to get my son's desk in there. I still have a lot of organizing to do in this room, then I will get at least one of the sewing machines plugged in and I will be sewing a little bit every day till Christmas. Then, we will be heading to Arkansas until after New Year's.
Happy Sewing!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving! and etc....
As far as sewing, the past week has found me mending. It is not my favorite thing to do but it was just sewing on buttons so it was not so bad. I did work on redrawing the Simplicity 3789 top and changed from a 12 to a 14 with the D front, then used the pivot/slide method of alteration to finish up. I think that I have a workable pattern now. I just need to locate a spot and an hour of extra time to get the top cut out.
I have been working on rearranging the existing sewing room. I have moved the bookshelf and the sewing table. I'm going through my books and magazines as I have more items than space. I will be parting with my collection of Sew News. These magazines will be listed at Pattern Review by year for free just pay the shipping. There are other magazines that I will be listing with just shipping payment. I still need to go through the collection of books. I don't know what I will be doing with those books. Haven't decided whether or not to donate to the library or attempt to sell. I have also managed to get two the machines back to the sewing table so once I get a chair I will be able to sew. Also, I will have space to embroidery with the Diamond. I have not embroidered with this machine except in an owner's class. It's not convenient to carry that machine and it's many parts to classes.
Happy Sewing!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Where did the week go?...but I've been sewing!
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Simplicity 3789, Threads - 01/2009
Have you read the article on white shirts in Threads 01/2009? It is really an outstanding article for all three of the designers. I printed the extra collar information from Lois Cutting today.
It's off to do more housework. The school gardening club is in a couple of hours and I still have a few things that I would like to accomplish before then. I just wish that it was warmer outside because I don't like standing around outside for long when it's cold.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Still not sewing!
Ok, there is still a little bit of time tonight. Maybe I can get the pattern pinned together and check the fit.
Happy Sewing!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Simplicity 3789, etc.
Today, I made time to trace Simplicity 3789. I took my measurements and decided upon a size 12 with a D front. I'm a little concerned that the sleeve will be too narrow but we'll see what happens when I do the paper fitting. DH will have to help with this but I think he will be willing. Paper fitting isn't really a one person job, at least not for me. I will need to decide whether or not I'm going to make a muslin or make the with the real fabric and say my prayers. LOL. We'll see. I don't think that I have any “muslin” fabric hanging around in that weight. Perhaps I will get the pattern cut out tonight, too. That would be wonderful.
I also need to start thinking about Christmas sewing. I have a short list of sewing for family and friends. I will not be posting a list because I don't know who may be reading. I'm making my niece and nephew something, perhaps my Mom, my DH, and maybe my son. Seems like I'm leaving my Dad out but I don't have any idea what I could make for him.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Completed 2008 Costume
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Can you believe that October is almost over?
Today, I received a the January 2009 issue of Threads. It has the most gorgeous dress on the front. I wish that I had somewhere to wear clothes like that. There is an article on bound buttonholes, another designer challenge on white shirts (they are all nice but I really love Fred Bloebaum), sewing with velvet, check out the coat article about weaving, and much, much more. I will definitely be scheduling time to sit down and just read. This has been my favorite magazine since the 80's and I have every issue.
I have not found any time to work on my next sewing project. My days just seem to disappear between my business, helping with the daily homework grind, son's activities, scheduling repairs on the newly renovated kitchen (microwave died, worst of all - countertop replacement), and just generally trying to keep up with housework (failing here), laundry, and cooking daily.
Happy Sewing!
Monday, October 27, 2008
No real sewing today!
The rest of my evening was doing homework (not mine, my son's). I don't actually do the homework. He does it. I check it then explain what is wrong if anything. Then sign all of the appropriate paperwork. However, this week is the end of the first nine weeks and there is a test every day. I really don't mind helping him that much but I really do look forward to when the light bulb goes off and he figures out how to do all this himself.
Oh, yeah, he dropped a wee little bombshell tonight. He has to have a costume of Victor Hugo by Wednesday. Yes, my chin hit the floor. No, I don't have anything suitable for the task. All he wants is a leather jacket, a black bow tie, and a beard. I'm in the process of making a black bow tie out of black grosgrain ribbon and elastic (I think). Since it's costume season, I should be able to come up with some sort of beard but Victor Hugo was always in some sort of jacket. I don't know what I will be able to do with that. I have one day to create.......
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Bag for the Halloween Costume is done!
Here is the pattern that I drafted. Not a lot. I drafted the main part of the bag in one long piece with side pieces. The size of the bag is larger than one of the vintage bags since it will be the candy bag for Halloween. The size that I ended up with is 12" x 15" x 3" and I used 1/2" seams.

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tutorial - How to draft and attach a pocket flap

Friday, October 24, 2008
Whip Holder created.

Above is the whipholder that I created. I modeled it after the sample displayed on Here is roughly the measurements that I used - length is 25cm long (includes 1 cm seams, width is 3" + (2) 1cm seams, add a heavy duty interfacing about 2" on each end. Fold right sides together long ways and stitch a 1cm seam leaving an opening large enough to right side out. Lightly press and do a double-row of topstitching. Add snaps on the ends making sure that they will match up evenly. Then stitch the belt holder in place just above the snap. Width will depend on belt using.

Above is the whipholder with the belt inserted and the whip snapped in. It is a little bit tight (I forgot to check this measurement). If I were making this again, I would add 2cm to the length. Otherwise, I think it turned out perfect.
Happy Sewing!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Jacket is Done!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008
A very sad day
Sad in PA
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sewing today!
The creation of the pocket flap and stitching it on went very well. I did take pictures of the process of creating the patterns and cutting out the pocket, flaps, lining, and interfacing. Once I finish the entire costume, I will post a tutorial of the pocket flap and the pocket lining.
Tomorrow morning, I will be helping neighbors with a garage sell. I hope that we sell everything very quickly.
Happy Sewing!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Still working on the costume jacket
Happy Sewing!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Slow day(s) of sewing
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A day to myself

I found instructions for the whip at the Skip to My Lou blog. I think the whip turned out great. It will certainly last through Halloween and maybe beyond. I used 3 rolls of Ace brand duct tape to create the whip.
Look I've finally started on the Ottobre jacket for the Halloween costume:

The fabric is a dark brown upholstery fabric with a foam backing. It has the look of leather and that is all that I needed. I still need to figure out the pockets and draft some kind of a flap. If all goes well, I will get most of this completed tonight. I don't usually cut out on the floor but I wanted to watch/listen to the TV while I was cutting out and this was the only way I could do it. My little buddy was helping me by jumping over and around everything. Of course, it had to be very closely inspected just in case it was really a great big toy to be played. He finally gave up on me playing with him:

Happy Sewing!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Pattern Storage, Costume, and more general chatter

I have been working on the Ottobre jacket pattern for my son's costume. I pinned the pattern pieces together and tried them on my son (yes, amazingly he let me pin the pattern to his shirt). The sleeves needed 5" added to the length. I think I will add another 1" to the body of the jacket also. Once the sleeve patterns have been fixed, I can start cutting and sewing. I hoping to be finished by Sunday. Then, it will be on to the bag. I have the bag sketched and dimensions decided on. Also, I hope to get the whip created.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be a good sewing day. In the morning, I will do my Curves workout and work for 2/3 hours. That should leave a couple of hours in the afternoon to work on the costume jacket or draft the bag pattern for the costume.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Costume work, general chatting and Charity
I have also started the dreaded rearranging of the sewing room so that I can move items from the current office area into it. The office area is a rather large room and it needs to be redone. I have been in this house almost 5 years and this is the only bedroom that hasn't been redone. It will be a lot work as 2 walls are wallpapered and the remaining 3 walls have a paper border on them. Once the walls are cleaned, the patching will begin. I'm thinking that the new wall color will be a blue or maybe even a green. I'm looking forward to removing the carpet. It is a dark navy blue and always looks dirty (since I have a white cat). I'm actually hoping that the flooring will be in good enough condition that I can have it re-finished. However, this room was at one time two separate bedrooms. So, there is uncertainty as to what the condition of the floors look may be. Repairing is most likely not an option as I don't want to damage the ceiling on the 1st floor.
Today, I received an email from some organization - crocheting or knitting and it has a link for a charity called "Knit One, Save One". This organizations give hats either knitted or crocheted to newborns in developing countries. Patterns are free. Here's the link to the organization in case you're interested in donating your time to this cause: Knit One Save One. I always like to be doing something while I'm watching TV or as a passenger in a vehicle.
Happy Sewing (knitting or crocheting)!
Monday, October 6, 2008
New Vogues

V1072 - a vintage pattern which is a fitted and unlined blouse with a peplum and a semi-fitted A-line skirt. I think that this would be a lovely item to wear to church. It is on my list of patterns to get.

V1078 - This is a lovely Guy Laroche design. I love the front of this dress but not so sure about the deep V and the diamond. This is absolutely not a pattern that I would have a place to wear but it is still very lovely and feminine.

V1082 - This is a Sandra Betzina design. I really like this skirt. It is another item on my list of patterns to get. I don't think that it is too fancy for my lifestyle. Everyone can handle a nice straight skirt.

V8534 - View C of this pattern is really cute and I want to attempt it for myself. We'll see how well that turns out. Tops are really hard for me but I keep trying. This is another one on my list of patterns to get.

V8543 - Another cute suit with great details. I'm drawn to the skirt on this pattern. It's another straight skirt with great details. You can never have too many skirts. This is the last pattern added to my list of patterns to get.
My pattern collection just continues to get bigger. I enjoy seeing all the beautiful designs, purchasing the patterns, and planning projects. Now, if only my closet showed the completion of all those projects that are dreamed about.
Happy Sewing!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Where did the past week go?
What have I been doing? I as smart as a fifth grader? Maybe, since my little fifth grader is having such a rough time we have been spending every afternoon/evening working math and cramming for tests. I have joined the ranks of Kumon in hopes that the little guy will gain some confidence in his math skills. Everything else seems to be falling into place with the exception of handwriting. I'm struggling with how to get the kid motivated without discouraging him.
Happy Sewing!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Costume officially started
Today, I started working on the Ottrobre jacket pattern which is destined to become the Indiana Jones jacket for my son's halloween costume. I have enlarged the pattern but didn't leave enough room between the pattern pieces to add the seam allowance or hems. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have time to outline the revised pattern pieces and retrace so I can add the seam allowances. Tomorrow, is going to be a very busy day - volunteering for 2 1/2 hours in the morning, and an appointment in the afternoon. Sometime in between the volunteering and the appointment I will need to take orders to the PO. After my son gets home from school it's off to the library and then on to a class.
Happy Sewing!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Another pair of grocery bags, etc.
Yesterday and today, I've been working on another set of grocery bags - Simplicity 2806 View B. This is similar to the bag from Craftster that several people have been using. However, this bag will stand up without me holding it up. I'll have pics tomorrow after I finish the second one. Then it will be on to the Ottobre jacket.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Another Fine Day of Sewing.
I think I will throw in another super quick and easy project before I start on the jacket for the Halloween costume. The jacket is from Ottobre and needs to be enlarged. So, once again, I have given myself a fun project. I hope it doesn't take a month to get it finished because I still have to draft a bag as part of the costume also. I have made a rough drawing of the bag so that I have some idea of what I want.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Another great sewing day!
Off to see if I can locate those instructions. They have to be somewhere nearby.
Happy Sewing
Friday, September 19, 2008
It's Friday, and no I'm still not done with that top!
Thursday, I very carefully removed the sleeves from the Vogue top. The sleeves had gone in so nicely. Such a shame. Today, I traced the size F sleeve, cut out the new sleeves, and eased all the way around the sleeve instead of from notch to notch. Tomorrow, I intend to put the sleeves in.
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Grocery Bags Complete!

Monday, September 15, 2008
It was a good sewing day!
So far today, I have cut out 3 grocery bags, the lining, and the handles. All the fabric was found in my rather large stash. The pattern that I used is from The Creative Thimble called the "Let's Go Green Fabric Shopping Bag". I used three different fabrics. One fabric for the outside of all three, another fabric for the lining, and a third that made the handles on two of the bags. The third bag will have the same fabric as the outside. These bags will be wild and crazy. Hey, no one will have a bag like mine. If all goes well, I will have pictures tomorrow and will return to the Vogue top.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday sewing - sigh!
Back to the Vogue top, I'm very tired of this top. I did let the sleeves out a little bit this afternoon and the sleeves feel better but I think that they are still a little bit snug. I will be cutting out new sleeves tomorrow after I decide just how big they need to be. Of course, these sleeves are lined so I need to allow a little bit for that too. I may quit on this for a day or two as I really need to just sew and not have to think about it too much. Maybe I will make a grocery bag or two. Be productive, get rid of a little bit of stash, and have a sense of accomplishment all at once. The bags shouldn't take too long to make.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday's Sewing
Ok, as for finishing the top, the sleeves are a little too tight. I am going to attempt to let out the seam allowance a little bit and see if that helps the situation. If it doesn't, I will cut out a larger sleeve an carefully ease it in. Amazingly, the rest of the top looks pretty good on especially that zipper. Yes, I will put a picture up as of the pattern, my version, and of course, the wonderful zipper. So, maybe by Monday, the top will be finished. I can only hope.....
Happy Sewing!
Friday, September 12, 2008
I've been sewing!
The next project is my son's halloween costume which will include a jacket, whip, and a bag. He wants to be Indiana Jones. The costume is not intended to be an exact replica. I still need to locate a belt and a handle for the bag. I think I will make a trip to the Goodwill store and see if there are any possiblities there.
Next item in line will be some groceries bags. I may move them up a little bit so I can have some instant projects to feel good about. How hard can they be? I have extra fabric and multiple patterns to try out and best of all, I'll be green if I remember to take them to the store with me. I may even look around at the Goodwill store and see if there are any fabric possibilities there.
Ok, my goal for the weekend is to finish the Vogue top and write a pattern review. We'll see how it goes.
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Slow going on Vogue top
I hope that I'm able to find more time to sew tomorrow. I really wanting to find out if this top is going to fit.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Vogue Top Cut Out
Tomorrow, I plan on sewing the top together. I ended up cutting the cap sleeve instead of the 3/4 sleeve because I realized that the sleeve pattern would need to be altered for the width of my arm and I didn't feel like doing it. I did manage to pin the pieces together to see if the bust point and waist line were in the right spot. I have my fingers crossed that this will be a good size. Then, I should be able to get some nice fabric and make another top.
Happy Sewing!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Paper pattern fitting?
Tomorrow, I will need to spend 3 or 4 hours with my job. The bright side is I will finish the painting that I have been working on all week in the morning. Yippee! Free from painting for a few days.
Happy Sewing!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Another long day!
Tomorrow, I plan on tissue fitting. I have not had much luck the Today's Fit patterns but I keep hoping that I will figure out which size is my size. This will be my first project for the Pattern Stash contest at Pattern Review.
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Pajama Pants (er, shorts) completed
Sorry, the photo isn't the best. I can't seem to get a good photo when I reduce the size of the picture with the Kodak software. Any recommendations for photo software would be greatly appreciated. However, you can see that it's a super cute print. Too bad I only found a yard plus a few inches.
I didn't do anything significant with these pants. Just serged all the seams, applied the elastic with the serger, put a little piece of satin ribbon in the back to mark it, and zigzagged the elastic down. The elastic hasn't been steamed yet. It takes time for the steam iron to generate enough steam to do anything and my regular iron spews water at me every time I put water in it. Actually, the water spills out the bottom of the iron when it gets hot. Yes, I know it needs to be replaced. I need to decide what kind of replacement to get. The steam iron is a Rowenta and I've had very good luck with it. But the "everyday" iron never seems to last more than two years. I guess I'm really hard on irons. It doesn't even matter what the brand is. Generally, I go to KMart and get the heaviest iron that they in stock.
Tomorrow, I will be starting on the Vogue top for myself. My day is filled with exercise, painting, and work. So, we'll see if I can at least get the top pinned together to do a quick check on fit.
Happy Sewing!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Pattern Stash Contest - Day One
Today, I chose to freeze beans and tomatillos, and can some tomatoes. The gardens here in PA seem to be late this year. Usually, the tomatoes start about the first of August but this year it was the last of August. I guess it was the same with the beans. I doubt that I will get very many peppers from my garden.
If you like salsa, here's a quick and easy recipe using the tomatillos:
8 oz tomatillos + 1/2/3 hot peppers
Roast in oven about 5 minutes per side. Cool. Blend with ~ 1/4 cup of water depending on how thick you want it. Add 1/4 cup finely chopped onion. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add chopped cilantro.
This is very, very good. Quick tip on the peppers. It doesn't matter what kind of hot peppers you use. I've used habernos, jalapenos, and sarranos.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Flannel PJs
The pattern stash contest starts tomorrow at Pattern Review. Have you gotten your patterns ready? I will be starting with a faux leather jacket for my son. This doesn't need to perfect as it will be for an Indiana Jones costume. Then, I will need a bag and a whip. We'll see what I can come up with for those two items. The next item is a pullover for my son. This is suppose to have a cobra embroidered on it then lettering will be done that says "COBRA". I haven't decided yet if I'm going to attempt the lettering on the embroidery machine or if I will make templates and let my son paint the letters on. Now, if I can get those 4 items done. This will be successful contest for me.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Pillowcases finished!

Friday, August 29, 2008
This afternoon, I took out the lovely 100% cotton batiste that I like to make pillowcases with and tore the fabric to the length that I wanted. Then, starch the fabric. Ok, I ready to stitch. WRONG. Even though I have starched my fabric multiple times, I couldn't get the machine to stitch correctly. I finally gave up and used a stablizer. I know that I didn't use a stablizer the last time I made pillowcases. I did start, stop, and rip out stitches multiple times before I was happy with the stitching. The pillowcases will NOT be finished today as planned. Tomorrow they will be.
Happy Sewing!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tutorial - How to make bias binding for piping.

This is the fabric that was left over after making cutting out the pillow front and back. I was luck to have such a large piece to work with. I cut a piece that was approximately 20" x 30" and made sure that the corners are 90 degrees.

Here I'm getting ready to mark a 45 degree line on the fabric. For this particular project, I'm using a pencil. If this was for clothing, I would not use a pencil but chalk.

Here the line drawn on the fabric.

Here I have carefully cut down the drawn line.

Now, place the right sides of the edges together and stitch a 1/4" seam. Press the seam to the side.

Here is the results.

Here I've drawn the cutting lines using a straight edge. It's important to be very accurate here.

Now, offset the by one set of lines and pin matching the the drawn lines at a 1/4" seam line. Again, it is very important to match at the seam line. Also, pin at every line. Sew a 1/4" seam.

Here are the results of sewing. I haven't pressed the seam in this picture. I waited until I have cut out the bias strips. Cut out the strips and wrap around your cording and baste in place.

Here's the finished picture of the pillow with the bias piping on the edge. Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the bias strip or the cording upon completion.
I picked up this technique somewhere in a quilting class or a quilting book but it works for every situation that you need a woven bias binding.
Happy Sewing!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Floor Pillows - finished!

Tomorrow, I will put up a tutorial on making the bias trim.
Happy Sewing!