Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Costume officially started
Today, I started working on the Ottrobre jacket pattern which is destined to become the Indiana Jones jacket for my son's halloween costume. I have enlarged the pattern but didn't leave enough room between the pattern pieces to add the seam allowance or hems. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have time to outline the revised pattern pieces and retrace so I can add the seam allowances. Tomorrow, is going to be a very busy day - volunteering for 2 1/2 hours in the morning, and an appointment in the afternoon. Sometime in between the volunteering and the appointment I will need to take orders to the PO. After my son gets home from school it's off to the library and then on to a class.
Happy Sewing!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Another pair of grocery bags, etc.
Yesterday and today, I've been working on another set of grocery bags - Simplicity 2806 View B. This is similar to the bag from Craftster that several people have been using. However, this bag will stand up without me holding it up. I'll have pics tomorrow after I finish the second one. Then it will be on to the Ottobre jacket.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Another Fine Day of Sewing.
I think I will throw in another super quick and easy project before I start on the jacket for the Halloween costume. The jacket is from Ottobre and needs to be enlarged. So, once again, I have given myself a fun project. I hope it doesn't take a month to get it finished because I still have to draft a bag as part of the costume also. I have made a rough drawing of the bag so that I have some idea of what I want.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Another great sewing day!
Off to see if I can locate those instructions. They have to be somewhere nearby.
Happy Sewing
Friday, September 19, 2008
It's Friday, and no I'm still not done with that top!
Thursday, I very carefully removed the sleeves from the Vogue top. The sleeves had gone in so nicely. Such a shame. Today, I traced the size F sleeve, cut out the new sleeves, and eased all the way around the sleeve instead of from notch to notch. Tomorrow, I intend to put the sleeves in.
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Grocery Bags Complete!

Monday, September 15, 2008
It was a good sewing day!
So far today, I have cut out 3 grocery bags, the lining, and the handles. All the fabric was found in my rather large stash. The pattern that I used is from The Creative Thimble called the "Let's Go Green Fabric Shopping Bag". I used three different fabrics. One fabric for the outside of all three, another fabric for the lining, and a third that made the handles on two of the bags. The third bag will have the same fabric as the outside. These bags will be wild and crazy. Hey, no one will have a bag like mine. If all goes well, I will have pictures tomorrow and will return to the Vogue top.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday sewing - sigh!
Back to the Vogue top, I'm very tired of this top. I did let the sleeves out a little bit this afternoon and the sleeves feel better but I think that they are still a little bit snug. I will be cutting out new sleeves tomorrow after I decide just how big they need to be. Of course, these sleeves are lined so I need to allow a little bit for that too. I may quit on this for a day or two as I really need to just sew and not have to think about it too much. Maybe I will make a grocery bag or two. Be productive, get rid of a little bit of stash, and have a sense of accomplishment all at once. The bags shouldn't take too long to make.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday's Sewing
Ok, as for finishing the top, the sleeves are a little too tight. I am going to attempt to let out the seam allowance a little bit and see if that helps the situation. If it doesn't, I will cut out a larger sleeve an carefully ease it in. Amazingly, the rest of the top looks pretty good on especially that zipper. Yes, I will put a picture up as of the pattern, my version, and of course, the wonderful zipper. So, maybe by Monday, the top will be finished. I can only hope.....
Happy Sewing!
Friday, September 12, 2008
I've been sewing!
The next project is my son's halloween costume which will include a jacket, whip, and a bag. He wants to be Indiana Jones. The costume is not intended to be an exact replica. I still need to locate a belt and a handle for the bag. I think I will make a trip to the Goodwill store and see if there are any possiblities there.
Next item in line will be some groceries bags. I may move them up a little bit so I can have some instant projects to feel good about. How hard can they be? I have extra fabric and multiple patterns to try out and best of all, I'll be green if I remember to take them to the store with me. I may even look around at the Goodwill store and see if there are any fabric possibilities there.
Ok, my goal for the weekend is to finish the Vogue top and write a pattern review. We'll see how it goes.
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Slow going on Vogue top
I hope that I'm able to find more time to sew tomorrow. I really wanting to find out if this top is going to fit.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Vogue Top Cut Out
Tomorrow, I plan on sewing the top together. I ended up cutting the cap sleeve instead of the 3/4 sleeve because I realized that the sleeve pattern would need to be altered for the width of my arm and I didn't feel like doing it. I did manage to pin the pieces together to see if the bust point and waist line were in the right spot. I have my fingers crossed that this will be a good size. Then, I should be able to get some nice fabric and make another top.
Happy Sewing!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Paper pattern fitting?
Tomorrow, I will need to spend 3 or 4 hours with my job. The bright side is I will finish the painting that I have been working on all week in the morning. Yippee! Free from painting for a few days.
Happy Sewing!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Another long day!
Tomorrow, I plan on tissue fitting. I have not had much luck the Today's Fit patterns but I keep hoping that I will figure out which size is my size. This will be my first project for the Pattern Stash contest at Pattern Review.
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Pajama Pants (er, shorts) completed
Sorry, the photo isn't the best. I can't seem to get a good photo when I reduce the size of the picture with the Kodak software. Any recommendations for photo software would be greatly appreciated. However, you can see that it's a super cute print. Too bad I only found a yard plus a few inches.
I didn't do anything significant with these pants. Just serged all the seams, applied the elastic with the serger, put a little piece of satin ribbon in the back to mark it, and zigzagged the elastic down. The elastic hasn't been steamed yet. It takes time for the steam iron to generate enough steam to do anything and my regular iron spews water at me every time I put water in it. Actually, the water spills out the bottom of the iron when it gets hot. Yes, I know it needs to be replaced. I need to decide what kind of replacement to get. The steam iron is a Rowenta and I've had very good luck with it. But the "everyday" iron never seems to last more than two years. I guess I'm really hard on irons. It doesn't even matter what the brand is. Generally, I go to KMart and get the heaviest iron that they in stock.
Tomorrow, I will be starting on the Vogue top for myself. My day is filled with exercise, painting, and work. So, we'll see if I can at least get the top pinned together to do a quick check on fit.
Happy Sewing!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Pattern Stash Contest - Day One
Today, I chose to freeze beans and tomatillos, and can some tomatoes. The gardens here in PA seem to be late this year. Usually, the tomatoes start about the first of August but this year it was the last of August. I guess it was the same with the beans. I doubt that I will get very many peppers from my garden.
If you like salsa, here's a quick and easy recipe using the tomatillos:
8 oz tomatillos + 1/2/3 hot peppers
Roast in oven about 5 minutes per side. Cool. Blend with ~ 1/4 cup of water depending on how thick you want it. Add 1/4 cup finely chopped onion. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add chopped cilantro.
This is very, very good. Quick tip on the peppers. It doesn't matter what kind of hot peppers you use. I've used habernos, jalapenos, and sarranos.
Happy Sewing!