Thursday, January 26, 2023

Starting The Project List...The Willow Tank

 Today, I started working on my Project List.  I have started with the Willow Tank pattern by Grainline Studio.  I started here because I have space to work it instead of one of the larger projects.  Here is a view of the Willow Tank:

I purchased this pattern a couple of years ago thinking I would make some new tanks for the following summer.  Did not happen.  

I traced a size 18 and I am now checking the lengths on the pattern.  I know that there will be depth issues because this pattern is drafted for a B cup but that will easily be taken care of once I have a muslin made.  Well, I actually traced the pattern last summer or fall and it seems that I have lost weight which has resulted in needing a size 16 instead of the size 18.  It is a shocker.

Now, repeating the same exercise with the size 16 instead of the size 18.  Here is the pattern pieces with marking at the bust, armhole, waist, hip, and marking for making lengths changes:

Now, the interesting part happening.  I started measuring and was very surprised.  I knew that I was short between high bust and shoulder but was surprised to see how much.  I knew that my torso was long.  Here is the changed pattern:

I reduced the length of the upper torso through the armscye by 1 1/2 inches.  That is a lot.  I added 3/4-inch above the bust and 2-inches above the waist.  All I can say is wow.  

This is an experiment on part.  I have never been one to change the pattern before making a muslin.  I am following along with Katrina in Lifting Pins and Needles on the Let's Sew Our Best Fitting Woven Top Series.  Check it out.  

Next, I will make a muslin and see how it looks.  My muslins are almost always snipped and tucked.  I do expect to increase the dart.  I generally do this with the muslin and then make the changes to the pattern.  I will see if doing the length changes a head of time make short work of the muslin.  

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Happy Stitching!

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