Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Kitten Spells Trouble...

Last summer, my life turned upside down when a little demon kitty entered it.  You can read about here.  Fast forward a few months and I don't have one cat but two.  Yep, there is a story.  In the meantime, here's the original picture of little Rocket:

Doesn't he look precious?  My original name for him was "Trouble".  He has lived up to that name.  Here is today:

Hasn't he grown into a fine looking cat?  Rocket is about 9 months old here.  His chunkieness has only begun in the past month.  We have reduced his food a bit to assist with not gaining more weight.  I think the weight happened at the same time his new friend was taken away from him for a few weeks. 

Now to the new friend.  Because Rocket was a surprise member of our household, we had to find a place for him to board while we were traveling. Our local vet took him for us.  An unintended consequence of this was that Rocket was introduced to another kitty who had been severely injuried and was healing that the vets.  In December, when we returned from the last trip of the year, this kitty was offered to us.  They told us that the two had already been introduced and seemed to love each other. We said we would think about it.

 In the meantime, Rocket continues to bite me constantly.  We are not talking friendly little "I love you" bites but blood drawing bites.  We decide to give this kitty a chance.  He had been living in a cage for 7 or 8 months.  When we went to pick him up, it was very evident that the staff loved this cat.  There were a lot of tears at the clinic that day.  Meet JB:

Isn't a pretty tabby?  Rocket is quite pleased to have a friend.  Can you tell?  Let's fast forward to February when we notice that a scar has opened up on his leg.  We take a picture send it to the vet who immediately says "Bring him in.".  It turns out that JB has metal bars holding his leg together and he has had a reaction to it.  Of course, the skin in the inside of the leg is rather thin also and probably contributed.  The metal bars had to be removed.  The vet kept him for the next 4 or 5 days because the wound had to be kept clean.  He wasn't happy at the vets and we brought him a couple of days before his next surgery.  He's JB after surgery:

The cone of shame.  He wore it well.  I will say we had a little two much fun it with at this expense.  Here's a shot eating:

It was even funnier to watch him walk around.  There are no videos just memories.  He was plenty happy to get rid of the cone.  Just as Rocket was plenty happy to have his buddy back.  Three weeks is a long time to a cat.  Here are the boys together again:

Don't they look pleased?  No more social isolation for them.

Getting the second cat ended the constant biting that I was getting from Rocket but he still bites me once in while.  Rocket is still his stand-offish self and JB is a snuggle bunny.  These two romp and run through the house along with lots of tumbling. 

Hope the pictures of my boys made you smile.

Happy Stitching!

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