Friday, August 9, 2019

Wardrobe Planning...Why is it So Hard?

Surely, I am not the only one who finds wardrobe planning hard?  Sometimes, it seems elusive.  You think that you have a good base and suddenly there isn't anything to wear.  I suppose it could be the change in seasons that cause that.  I pretty much try to plan spring/summer and fall/winter.  There is overlap because we can't really plan for how the weather is going to be.  So the planning needs to include items that can go for any season. 

I have tried different planning schemes and sometimes that work reasonably well.  I think part of the issue is that it should be an on going process and I quit when I get to what I think is good.  Here are the different schemes that I have tried in the past:

1.  Starting a Capsule Wardrobe From Scratch  at The Vivienne Files.  This worked well when I started it.  I doubt that I followed all the through but I did pick a color scheme which I still basically follow. 

2. Design Your Wardrobe at Seamwork.  I enjoyed the process but never really followed through with sewing.  I think I will be attempting this again this year.  Although the Design Your Wardrobe is for paid members at Seamwork, there is a free mini version here.  Interested in the more detailed version of the wardrobe planning, use this link and get a $3 discount on the subscription of your choice.  I do get a small benefit from the use of that link.

3.  Weekly Timeless Wardrobe at The Vivienne Files.  This is a newish series at The Vivienne Files.  I am following this to check the basics in the wardrobe and replacing as needed.  Sometimes, it will be purchasing RTW, sometimes sewing, and sometimes acknowledging that at this time something does not need replacing.

Right now, I feel like there is not anything to wear in the wardrobe.  Blues jeans and tees are always an option but I only own 1 pair of jeans and I am not sure that I really need more.  With that being said, if I found a dark wash in a good fabric they would be mine.  I am not interested in holey jeans.  I guess part of the problem is that shopping, planning, and sewing all take time. Time that I may or may not want to put in.

Here is an article that I found in the Seamwork magazine - Dr. Sewlove. Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Make a Plan.  I understand this person.  

My goal with my wardrobe is have something to wear daily and for whatever occasion I need it for.  I like the flexibility of the Capsule Wardrobe but sometimes it doesn't feel like enough.  How do you handle your planning?  Do you just stitch or purchase without some kind of a plan?  Do you end up with things that you don't wear?  I'm interested to hear what you have to say about this issue.

Happy Stitching!

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