Tuesday, January 31, 2012
A Little Bit of This & That...
Tonight, I scrubbed the walls of the fish tank. This is my son's fish tank and yes, I'm the one who cleans it. We have an algae problem and I try to clean the tank at least every two weeks.. I hoping tomorrow I will be able to clean the bottom of the fish tank removing a couple of gallons of water. This is not my favorite job to do. My son WILL help with this as it is a two person job.
Tonight, I was able to get the PJ top traced. I need to double-check the length of the top and the sleeves but the basics have been taken care of. Hopefully, tomorrow I will get the fabric pressed and work the top (after the fish tank is cleaned). I still need to figure out how I'm going to arrange the fabrics as the top as traced required 1 3/4 yards of fabric and I have 1 1/4 yards of the star wars fabric and 1 yard of the black cotton. Would like it good to split the front with the star wars fabric on one side and the black on the other and maybe some star wars applique on the black half? The sleeves may be another issue. I may need to do some piecing on this also. I'll know more fabric I tissue fit the pattern on my son. I'm fairly certain that I will need to add length. I know once I figure out the details the sewing will be quick and easy. This is a beginner's pattern and I have made it before.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The machines work...
Happily, the floral fabric I washed yesterday did not fade. I am hoping to get the cotton fabrics ironed tomorrow. I'm not sure that I have a zipper that is at least 14" long so that may slow down the pillow project but I can everything cut out and perhaps, get the front embellished. The sleep shirt for my son will need to draw out. This will require some measurements from my son. The pattern I'm using is from Buckles and Bobbins sewing book for boys. I got it thinking that I could interest my son in sewing a little bit but I realize that is not going to happen.
Happy Stitching!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Drum Roll Please....
Here's a picture of the Razzle Dazzle:
Doesn't it dazzle you? I'm not sure what color it is but the spools states for bobbin work, couching, and serger. I do think that the project has you doing something different that that. However, I would like to play with this thread in the serger.
I went to JoAnn's today and purchased the black fabric in the picture below:
In going through the stash, I found a piece of Star Wars fabric and asked my son if he was still interested in the fabric. Surprising, he said "Yes". He wanted me to make a sleep shirt. Since there was only a little over a yard of the Stars Wars fabric available, I had to purchase the coordinated black. We'll see how creative I can get with the two fabrics. Hopefully, I have enough. It will be a simple v-neck pull over. My son is tall - 6'+ but he is still a kid and needs to be able to indulge in that once in while.
The fabric below will be my version of one of the projects from the "Make It Sew Modern" book by Vanessa Christenson.
I'm using her ideas as a jumping off point. It will still be girly. I'm hoping that my ideas work as well as her project did. Her samples used pinking shears or a pink blade in the rotary cutter and I do not have either one.
By the way, I'm hoping that the blue floral will work OK. I rarely purchase the cotton "quilting" fabrics from JoAnn's because I do not have much luck with them. Generally, the dyes run and I end up with something ugly. This fabric is in the washer right now. If it doesn't work out, I will be returning this fabric and visiting a nearby quilting store. I know that I own a store but I don't have any prints that are what I want to use. Well, let me clarify. Any prints that I want to use for this particular project. Believe me, when I say that plenty of fabric has followed me home from my little shop/office. I love everything that I purchase.
Happy Stitching!Friday, January 27, 2012
No Sewing Yet....
The zappos order arrived and I liked both pair of shoes. However, fast forward a couple of days and I hear about the Zappos database being accessed and that Zappos had notified all of their customers. This customer didn't get notified. I will be watching the cc very closely over the next few months. I did get an invite to be a Zappos VIP. I wonder if the two are related. New, more secure passwords on all accounts. I hope I can remember them.
Sewing related things that I have done in the past few weeks. I joined the Superior University. I love having the opportunity to learn and to combine it will my love of sewing is even better. The only thing that would be better is if I could do this a class with other people. The first lesson has arrived and it is using Razzle Dazzle. I have not worked with this thread before so I hope it will be a good experience. I am going to try to work on the lesson this weekend. It will require another try to the store.
Yesterday, I also purchased a new sewing machine. No, I do not necessarily need another sewing machine. I just wanted this sewing machine. Here's what I purchased:
It's the Singer 160th anniversary Edition Sewing Machine. Isn't it cute? Of course, this will add another layer of clutter to my sewing area. I will need to purchase Singer sewing needles for this machine. I needed to do this any way I have a little vintage Singer sewing machine that looks much like the new above. This one could end up at my store. I haven't decided yet.
I purchase a new book and it looks like a winner. It is "Make It Sew Modern" by Vanessa Christenson. Here's the cover: The book is divided into 4 sections as shown under the title. Each section has at least 5 projects. Most of the projects are very doable. In fact, maybe as something fun, I will work through this book and do that projects that are of interest to me and post the results.
My weekend plans are to work on my Superior University lesson for Razzle Dazzle and work on de-cluttering/organizing my sewing space. If I get to all the above and want to continue, I have a pair of jeans to work.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Time flies when you're having fun...
Work has kept me fairly busy for the past couple of weeks. I've been too tired to think about any projects or work on anything. However, today I was was energized to rearrange my sewing area. DH got me a 3-way mirror for Christmas and it needs to be mounted on the wall. The room where my sewing stuff is located is fairly large room but it is a busy room with my son's study area and the home office in there too. I moved the storage cabinets to the opposite side of the room on an unused wall. Moved the sewing table for the second time this year. Now, the wall where I wanted the mirror to be mounted is open. The room looks like a tornado has blown through it. I do think that it will take me many days to finish rearranging but the big pieces are done. I did get to handle and look at every piece of fabric I own. I honestly don't have too many pieces that are "What was I thinking?" material, but I do have a lot of items that were purchased with "working in an office" in mind. I still like getting dressed up but it is much more casual now.
I did a little bit of shoe shopping today. Here are my purchases:

Oh, I did find some beautiful fabric for a tablecloth among my stash. It was a lovely deep green. I did want to make holiday tablecloths this month. Maybe I will be able to get to this by the end of the month. I also found the suede sherpa I was looking for. Oh, I have so many projects that I want to do. I wonder if my family will mind finding their own meals for the next month or so. LOL.
Happy Sewing!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Still rolling along...
My test design looked very similar. This design is from Embroidery Library. I will be stitching this on a osnaburg fabric that has been stabilized. I just need to figure out the size of the pillow. Does anyone know how much room to leave around a design?
I couldn't resist going to JoAnn's today. I had a 10% off coupon and needed to get zippers for the pillows. I also picked up bells for another project and a pillow form for a neck roll. I didn't spend much but there wasn't really much a sale going on.
Oh, I've added a new project. I'm going to make a table runner and decorate it with snowflakes. I need to practice with the embroidery machine and this is perfect project to practice with. Now, I need to locate the snowflakes.
Happy Stitching!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
It's 2012....Happy New Year!
My first efforts this year are going to be to finish the decorative pillows to match the new comforter. The fabrics were washed today. Now, they need to be pressed. Then, I need to decide what type of pillows I want. I have three fabrics - 2 solids and 1 stripe. One pillow is going have a machine embroidery feature on it. I have picked out the design now I just need to play with the colors. I'll post pics when they are done.
The remaining projects for January are:
1. 2 Christmas tablecloths - I never seem to have enough tablecloths for the holidays and I really do like using them.
2. Silhouette Lana Jeans - I cut this out in November or December and never got back to it. I'm hoping they work out.
3. A knit top of some kind. There is a sew along starting at Stitcher's Guild and I think I'm going to try to sew along in an unofficial capacity. The sew along is for 1 top a month. I know it sounds doable but we'll see. I don't know what pattern I'll be using but I do think I'm going to use a cotton/lycra fabric that just arrived at my store.
Also, I started the year with purchasing some new patterns. There's a sale going on and I couldn't resist. Here's my purchases: