Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!, etc....
I can't believe that it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted. Lots has been going on. We've continued working in the room and it is progressing. The office has officially been moved and can now be found in the depths of the cold basement. There is a small heater down there and it will keep the area about 60-65 degrees F. If I need to spend a lot of time there, I will take a small heater from one of the bathrooms so I can have warm air blowing on me. DH has gotten a skim coat on one of the walls along with removing the baseboard and the tack strip. How's that for progress? When I return, I will take a pictures of the section of room that hasn't been shown yet. This will include the wonderful closet that is in this room. We are planning on putting a closet organizer in here. The size of the closet is approximately 8 to 9 feet x 5 feet.
I've sewn up several yards of fabric since I last posted. I think the total is something like 14 yards. I think 10 of it was new this month. It was purchased specifically for gifts which all were made. My temporary sewing space is rather small but it is certainly usable. I sewed several days in the midst of the mess in that room and it didn't hurt much. I still have not located all the missing items but I do know that they are somewhere in the room. The only item that will not be very useable in the new set-up is my cutting table. It is currently folded up and being pushed back and forth depending on which side of it I need to be on. I guess if I really need to use it that I can push it into my son's room to set-up it. I have been using all of the great storage inside the cutting table and I can get to most of it very easily. I have found many great items that I have forgotten about.
Well, this is it for this year. See you next year.
Happy Sewing!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A pleasant day to sew!
Back to sewing, I made the pillowcase using the sewing machine and the serger. I used the Lisa today since she has been neglected since the Designer joined the team. Wow! It doesn't take long to get spoiled with the fancy machines. After finishing the pillowcase, I cut out a couple of shopping bags and had them finished by 5:30. I'm going to make 4 more shopping bags as part of my "green" Christmas. Then it will be on to finishing the stuffed kitties and some kitty toys. Hopefully, they will get finished before we leave for AR.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Finally! I'm ready to sew again.
Today, my DH figured out a way to get the office moved and it still be functioning. My goal is to have everything ready by the 19th to move the office to the basement. I guess that will be my office home for a few months while room is being worked on. March is the goal. I hope we make it. Speaking of the room, DH was able to get another 4/5 feet of the border removed today. The steamer is working well on it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The week has flown by!
Above is a the message from the previous owners. I'm guessing it means that the room was redone in March 1992. I was only off by ten years on my estimate of when the room had been done. I love finding stuff like this. We have left stuff behind the cabinets in the kitchen for future owners when they are wondering "What were they thinking?". LOL
The pink wall was in really good shape. Hardly any work will need to be done to this wall outside of a little mudding where the nail holes and sanding where the numbers are at. Also, this wall is a different color of pink than the remaining room.

The white wall is a different story. It is not in very good condition. It will take a little more work. Unfortunately, the rest of the walls in the room are going to need a more work. I don't know how long this is going to take but maybe everything will be finished by March. Yes, I giving myself a lot of time because the closet will need to be redone along with the floors. I also will have a phone line installed for the fax machine. Lots of work.
I will be sewing this weekend. I purchased 10 yards of fabric from eQuilter to make some items for Christmas. Yes, I know it is getting close but the items are quick and easy. I was beginning the think they wouldn't arrive before Christmas. It took almost 2 weeks to show up. I love the website but don't think you're going to get your order quickly. This is a normal delivery time for them.
Happy Sewing!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hardwood floors? YES!
Today, I've started working on the wall paper. I've sprayed it with a mixture of Downy and water. This is something new that one of the neighbors told me about. So, I'm giving it a try. I will let you know how well it works.
Happy Stitching! (I wish I was but fabric is coming!)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Room Reorg
Above is a view as you would see it from the doorway. You can see that I couldn't help but pull some of the loss wallpaper. I stop myself because I wanted to document the change of this room. I'm sure this wallpaper was lovely when this room was redone in the 80's. I guess that is when the two bedrooms were turned into one.
The opposite corner still has a piece of furniture in it. It will eventually be moved. I just haven't decided where. The basement is the obvious spot but the end of the driveway may be where it ends up. The navy carpeting is going to be used as the drop cloth for this room.
Well, this is where I'm starting with this room. The wallpaper appears to be loose but when I pulled the backing was left so this is going to be a lot of icky work. Hopefully, it won't take more than a week to get the wallpaper off those two walls and I will be able to move on to the border on the remaining three walls. I'm hoping the wallpaper isn't hiding too many surprises.
Tonight, we will be cutting the carpeting and pulling back some of the padding in the area where we think the original closets were to assess the damage to the hardwood floors. If we are lucky, then the floors are in good shape. I'm hoping to call a contractor for estimates on any repairs and refinishing.
No sewing for me today. Hope everyone else was luckier.
Happy Sewing!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's December already?
My "old" dedicated sewing room is packed from wall-to-wall in both directions. There is just enough room left to get my son's desk in there. I still have a lot of organizing to do in this room, then I will get at least one of the sewing machines plugged in and I will be sewing a little bit every day till Christmas. Then, we will be heading to Arkansas until after New Year's.
Happy Sewing!