Friday, March 29, 2019

Thud...Another Box of Fabric...

Ever since the big move and my realization of just how much fabric I own, I've been trying to reduce the stash.   This should mean that I shop the stash before purchasing.  That is not always the case.  Surprisingly, my husband actually encouraged this purchase.  I may have purchased a little more fabric than what he had intended.  I did write down the amount I was purchasing and the intended project.  We'll see how that goes.  Here's the fabric:

This is the fabric that caught my husband's interest.  No, it wasn't the fabric itself but the content.  This is a Black Polyester/Polyurethane Drapey Crepe Suiting. He wanted to see this fabric because of the polyurethane.  Well, who are I say he can't do that?  I bought enough for a skirt and pants but it may be a skirt and jacket.  The remaining fabric was just why not?  Shipping is half price along with the bargain prices of the fabric.

This is suede knit.  I never had a suede knit before and wanted to feel it.  I purchased enough for a pull-on pencil.  Perfect!  The color doesn't exactly make me think of a soft shadow wouldn't that be gray?  This feels more more brown but I'll figure it out.

This is a polyester/lycra leather.  I'm hoping those wrinkles can be dealt with.  Otherwise, this was a bad purchase.  I have on my list that this was intended for a skirt but I'm not sure.  We'll see if this is usable fabric.  It does indeed have a very nice stretch to it.  Maybe I can make a jean type skirt with it.

This is a polyester leather.  It is a very nice leather look fabric.  It is intended be a shoulder bag.  Let's see how that turns out.  I have looked over the pattern yet.  It is a little different style than I would generally carry but if the top is closed and I can create pockets and such for the inside, it will be good.

This is a ponte knit and it is really nice.  After seeing it, I was wishing that I had purchased more of this fabric. It was intended to be fabric for a muslin but it may be too nice for that.  However, if I don't use it for that then it will become stash fabric and I really don't need for of that. 

How's that for all black fabric?  I can't help it.  That particular sale seemed to lean that direction for a bit.  Hopefully, everything will get made by fall.  Do you fall for the Fabric Mart sales, also?

Fabric reduction isn't going so well this year.  I have purchased roughly twice as much as I have sewn. 

Happy Stitching!

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