Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Missing Sewjo...

 My sewjo has been on vacation for a while.  Now, it is hot and I do not see anything of interest in my wardrobe. No worries, there are plenty of clothes to choose from.  I just do not feel like wearing them much.  I want something more interesting.  Maybe I really just need new and do not feel like sewing it.  The last three months have been:

- April - My 4 year old cat died from pneumonia.  This truly broke my heart.  Cats do a fine job of hiding illness but I can not help but wonder how I could have missed that he was so sick that within 24 hours of taking him to the vet we had to make the decision to let him go because he was suffocating.

- May- A little more than half the month was spent in Ireland.  It is such a beautiful country and I truly enjoyed being there.  I hope that I get the opportunity to return.

- June - My older cat was not getting over the loss of the 4 year old cat.  It was a constant moaning and crying all day long.  He would quiet down if he got in your lap.  After consulting the vet, it was decided he needed a friend.  A tiny female kitten was recommended.  I got two tiny female kittens.  I can tell you that I thought that I had made a huge mistake.  There were several days of hissing and huffing (yes, cats huff).  Then, one day the older male cat started grooming the babies.  A couple of days later he started playing with them.  A few more days and he was romping through the house with them.  Now, this is not a daily event but we are getting there.  Oh, the moaning and crying all day quit the second we brought the kittens home.  

Here is a glimpse of the newest babies:

Here is a glimpse of the older cat seemingly accepting the kittens:

Yep, all three cats looking at the window together.  No hissing, no huffing, just calmly hanging out.

Back to the sewjo.  I am trying to get sewing again but what to work summer or winter or perhaps a mix of both.  I spent time at my storage unit looking at fabric and brought some back to the house in the hopes that would get the sewjo moving again.  I guess we will see how the next few days go.

Happy Stitching!

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